we stared out with two big beers (because we deserved them after a long day) which were accompanied by a bevvy of small plates all meant to be eaten before and alongside our meal:
these nibbles included: marinated bok choy, sweet mashed potatoes with raisins, kim chi, eggplant, and a couple of other pickled items that we couldn't quite identify...
all were very tasty!
for appetizers we got some gyoza (pork dumplings) and a scallion pancake with kimchi... yummmmmm...
finally, for our main dish, we got the fun to say and fun to eat: Bi Bim Bap, a very tasty rice dish served with vegetables, mushrooms, beef (in this case), sweet/spicy korean barbecue sauce, and a fried egg on top. bi bim bap is cooked and served in a sizzling stone bowl; while the aromatic rice gets a bit crunchy on the bottom, the rest of the dish stays warm, allowing the flavors to better-meld throughout the duration of the meal...
dinner was delicious
the company even better
*(celebrating little Olive was also part of the night's theme which is one of my favorite things to do - thanks danny!)*
following it all up by watching a president i love eloquently address our country with a tone of bi-partisanship and humor was
just. the. best.
ps - danny has a great website, too! check out his scribbles and fantastic photos here